The Contessa Of Davis Or Queen of the House

A history of the life of a Miniature Australian seen through her eyes.....

* Note.....HP & WP refer to Husband Person and Wife Person

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day Hikes and Haircuts

Boy am I  glad I don't drive a car......WP was gone last week, boy I sure missed her.....she sneaks a few extra tidbits to me after supper.  I am suppose to be on a strict reduced calorie diet but HP has a habit of feeding me way more than I need so when WP is home I get only what I need.  I do get  a crumb of something tasty once in a while.  Every evening I sit and stare longlingly at her.  If I give her some real sad eyes she caves.......ah yes a chicken snack. 
   Okay back to the car thing.....they are just "okay" things......they get you to and from your hikes but I sure don't like those rumbley strips on the sides of the road......HP has a bad habit of hugging the side of the road and hits those dang things.......makes me want to jump out of my skin and sure disturbs a good nap.. yeah and WP just got back from her trip to Ogden.....her car has a strange look to it and the phone keeps ringing with insurance guys, whoever they are.  Just what is a fender bender anyway?   Running a red light? Is that some sort of new game like chase the ball or terroize the cat.... WP wasn't to happy about it whatever it was.....
   So yesterday I was laying on the kitchen floor panting.....I don't like the heat and having these black HP took me to the beauty parlor for a trim and a good brushing......boy do I ever feel better now.....maybe I will post a picture tomorrow of my new look....I got to go on an extra long day hike today too....Big Creek....lots of cars but didn't see one person to jump on......and here I am extra clean today.

uh oh...I smell the grill going.... better boogie there might be some  food dropped..

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